de Sorin-Mihai Grad / ©2010 Herg Benet Publishers

Reflective Surrogate

[you’ll never walk alone]

[translation by Nigel Walker & Alexandra Sârbu of Surogat reflexiv]

I will always be there for you
I’ll watch over you 24/24
protecting you from everything
it might disturb you
I will clear away the dangers
you won’t feel them
I won’t let you get lost
I’ll close my eyes when you want your space
I’ll became invisible when you yearn for loneliness
but I’ll watch over you
I’ll protect you anywhere and anytime
I’ll be happy for your successes
and I’ll suffer with you for the failures and mistakes
I won’t be capable of avoiding you
I’ll follow you wherever you may go
I’ll compile reality as you desire
I’ll maintain youth and strength
just buy me!

published in EgoPHobia #29-30

translated within the cooperation project EgoPHobiaMTTLC; many thanks to Nigel Walker & Alexandra Sârbu for the translation, to Silvia Bratu for managing the project and to Prof. Lidia Vianu for making it possible

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