de Sorin-Mihai Grad / ©2010 Herg Benet Publishers

Posts Tagged ‘English’

Surrogate on false pretences

[translation by Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ of Surogat de impostură] in a garden I plant ash trees with broken wings and I urge them to die in a stupid war with the stereotypes of the night

A slightly misanthropic Surrogate

[translation by Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ of Surogat cam mizantrop] what do you expect to discover now about me and inside me? with every word I masquerade or I mutilate- depending on the case- an emotion which I can barely remember

Surrogate of a Surrogate

[translation by Nigel Walker & Alexandra Sârbu of Surogat de surogat] I don’t know what poems are good for whom and from what my surrogates will save whether they will brighten days lives nights inspire tortures and sects

Surrogate Memory

[translation by Nigel Walker & Alexandra Sârbu of Surogat de amintire] light was falling and breaking on the ground where I had spread grass and maize-flour rolls we were listening to rammstein on the quiet drinking from half grapefruits

alte patru Surogate traduse

… în engleză de Nigel Walker & Alexandra Sârbu şi respectiv Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ în cadrul proiectului EgoPHobia-MTTLC vor apărea în EgoPHobia #32 după care le veţi putea citi şi pe acest blog

Surrogate of the rain

[translation by Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ of Surogat de ploaie] no one is interested in politics anymore the poem about it burnt in ‘89 so no, another theme

Surrogate of red

[translation by Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ of Surogat de roşu] you have a mad friend he saw his brother dying he jumped down when the water had just left

Surrogate of the future

[translation by Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ of Surogat de viitor] everything is going to be all right you will be happy the sun will shine just for you every you will be read as a plural whenever you may wish this

Surrogate of life

[translation by Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ of Surogat de viaţă] it got into your head that it hurts and you thrust it out of the window apparently to cry in the rain without observing that your neighbour upstairs is shaking out the last drops of the extinct urination horrible!- you shall say

patru Surogate traduse

… în engleză de Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ în cadrul proiectului EgoPHobia-MTTLC vor apărea în EgoPHobia #31; le voi reproduce aici în curând