de Sorin-Mihai Grad / ©2010 Herg Benet Publishers

A slightly misanthropic Surrogate

[translation by Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ of Surogat cam mizantrop]

what do you expect to discover now
about me and inside me?
with every word I masquerade
or I mutilate- depending on the case-
an emotion
which I can barely remember
these lines are in fact stories
you will be able to decode
starting with the third reading
you cannot believe that the love and pain
which appear hereabout
did not exist through me
just for you
or that I am not joking when I ask you to decide
which of the perfume seller and the little match seller
will be abducted in the morning by the aliens
or by cannibals if you prefer them


I dedicate this poem to you
if you admit that you cannot understand
what’s the use of my sending you
to hitchhike
with a skull in your hand
on the bridge between yesterday and tomorrow

published in EgoPHobia #32

translated within the cooperation project EgoPHobiaMTTLC; many thanks to Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ for the translation, to Silvia Bratu for managing the project and to Prof. Lidia Vianu for making it possible

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