de Sorin-Mihai Grad / ©2010 Herg Benet Publishers

Posts Tagged ‘English’

Advice Surrogate

[translation by Nigel Walker & Alexandra Sârbu of Surogat de sfat] after the great settling down started from the dumping cart you are not allowed to write anymore that someone’s IQ doesn’t outgrow his shoe size, be straight

Reflective Surrogate

[you’ll never walk alone] [translation by Nigel Walker & Alexandra Sârbu of Surogat reflexiv] I will always be there for you I’ll watch over you 24/24 protecting you from everything it might disturb you

Surrogate of Indifference

[translation by Nigel Walker & Alexandra Sârbu of Surogat de indiferenţă] I’m painting some eyes on an evening dawn and I imagine that I dream in blue no pain tempts me other than the old ones that everybody forgot in me or whatever name may have the last mistake

o proză scurtă

… inspirată dintr-o întâmplare prin care am trecut în iarna trecută apare în EgoPHobia #29-30 atât în versiunea originală, cât şi într-o variantă engleză tradusă de Carmen Gaspar şi editată de Robert Fenhagen

patru Surogate

… traduse în engleză [pe care le-aţi putut deja citi pe aici] au apărut în EgoPHobia #28

Surrogate of a story

[translation by Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ of Surogat de poveste] we are useless and we think about death this is everything we know and we don’t say it one another your story is more insipid than you take me out of it

Surrogate of cohabitation

[translation by Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ of Surogat de convieţuire] they were living at the third floor, last one on the right a room for four, filled up with five adding up another two or three who were different every now and again

Cemetery Surrogate

[new version] [translation by Nigel Walker & Alexandra Sârbu of Surogat de cimitir] abandoned words flow on the dead sheet in an illiterate direction their syllables disappear among the ruins of the sentences which aborted them

Sleep Surrogate

[translation by Nigel Walker & Alexandra Sârbu of Surogat de somn] until now I have escaped life sleeping I hid behind sleep I haven’t allowed myself to dream either so I won’t disturb myself with any battle temptation, pleasure nor word of what I was to myself

The Last Version of the Word

The word is empty, So is my soul, A Godless Jesus forgotten by sins n’ sanctity, A crime avoided by cruelty’s buds